Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Originally uploaded by davidfg
A quick and dirty post to document the arrival of a postcard and a card. Thanks, David Gallagher of London and Dave Gallagher of St. Louis, Mo.!


Originally uploaded by davidfg

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Project Update

OK, I've received expressions of interest from various David Gallaghers, but thus far no actual postcards have surfaced, and we're down to the two-week mark. The plan now is to solicit individual David Gallaghers. I could use your help in spreading the word.

Thanks to Smith Mag for the nice writeup: Most Specific Call for Submissions Ever: The David Gallagher Project.

Monday, February 8, 2010

What is the David Gallagher Project?

Hi, my name is David Gallagher. If your name is David Gallagher too, I need your help. My wife Fiona's birthday is coming up, and she's pretty special. So I thought it would be great if she got birthday greetings from not just one David Gallagher but from as many David Gallaghers as possible.

How can I help?

Participation is open to David Gallaghers only. Send a postcard of your choosing to:

Fiona c/o David Gallagher
172 Fifth Ave. #202
Brooklyn, NY 11217 USA

Your postcard message should say something along the lines of "Happy Birthday Fiona" and should include your name (duh) and geographic location. You can write anything else you want as long as it's not too weird. Optional: If you want an e-mailed acknowledgment please include your e-mail address. And if you include a Web address I will link to it from this site.

Postage: It costs 28 cents to mail a standard postcard in the United States nowadays. Sending one from the U.K. costs 62p. I would love it if David Gallaghers of other foreign lands participated too, but you'll have to look up the postage yourself!

Deadline: Fiona's birthday is in early April, so to be safe please send your postcard by March 20.

O.K., I mailed it. Now what happens?

It would be great if you could leave a comment here or send an e-mail to dg(at)fionaproject.com so I know you're on board.

I'll post images of the postcards here as they come in, so check back or subscribe to the feed. On the big day I'll surprise my wife with, ideally, a stack of postcards. She'll probably be confused but happy.

This is not a stealth marketing campaign and your personal info won't be used for any other reason.

Spread the word

I'll be promoting this site on Google and through this Facebook group. If you know any David Gallaghers or you know where to find some, please let them know about the project. You can tweet about it by using this link.

The back story

Technically speaking the David Gallagher Project is Fiona Project 6. Last year there was TextFiona, aka Fiona Project 5. Before that: Four, three, two, one.